The Winston-Salem Symphony

Board of Directors

Mr. Jay Reed
Board Chair
Broadstreet Partners
Mr. Jonathan Allen
Chair, Volunteer Taskforce
Community Connector, Winston-Salem
Technology Experience Analyst, Allegacy Federal Credit Union
Ms. Alice Chen Anderson, Esq.
The Caviste Wine Bar/Shop
Mr. Kenneth Boyles
Retired Certified Public Accountant
Ms. Sandra Broadway
Community Advocate
Dr. Malcolm McDougal Brown
Chair, Education Taskforce
Retired Physician
Mr. Matthew Bryant, Esq.
Partner, Hendrick Bryant Nerhood & Sanders, LLP
Ms. Pam Cash
Senior Finance Manager
Mr. William F. Clingman, III
Retired R.J. Reynolds Executive
Mr. Arthur DeBaugh, Esq.
Chair, Human Resources & Governance Committee
Attorney at Law
Ward and Smith, P.A.
Mr. Kenneth Ford
Assistant Professor of Finance, Wake Forest University
Mr. Christopher J. Gyves, Esq.
Womble Bond Dickinson (US), LLP
The Honorable Edward Hanes, Jr.
Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton, LLC
The Hanes Group Government Affairs
Ms. Sue Henderson
Chair, Nominating Committee
Executive Director
Face to Face Speaker Forum
Wake Forest University
Dr. Derek Hicks
Co-Chair, Philanthropy Taskforce
Associate Professor & Executive Director, Center for Research, Engagement, and Collaboration in African American Life (RECALL), Wake Forest University School of Divinity
Mr. Steve Karr
Retired Employment Attorney
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Dr. Steve Kramer
Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine;
Physician Surveyor/Field Representative
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Mrs. Amanda LaBrecque
Ex officio
Orchestra Committe Chair
Oboist, Winston-Salem Symphony
Mr. Chris Leak
Senior Vice President–Wealth Management,
Global Sports and Entertainment Director,
Family Wealth Advisor,
Senior Vice President,
Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley
Dr. David B. Levy
Chair, Artistic Taskforce
Professor Emeritus
Wake Forest University
Michael P. Lischke, PhD
Associate Dean for Continuing Medical Education
Richard Janeway MD Distinguished Director,
Northwest Area Health Education Center
Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Ms. Jennifer B. Lyday, Esq.
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Taskforce
Waldrep, Wall, Babcock & Bailey, PLLC
Ms. Eileen Major
Co-Chair, Philanthropy Committee
Retired IBM executive
Michelle Merrill
Ex officio
Music Director
Winston-Salem Symphony
Mr. Will Munster
Ex officio
Chair, LEGAATO (Chorus) Council
CFO, AM Erectors
Mr. Joshua Poindexter
Lead Interior Designer, Trouvaille Home
Ms. Carol Polk
Retired Executive Director
Pivot Ministry
Ms. Ali Fenno Poplin
Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton, LLP
Mr. Ryan M. Prescott, Esq.
Ms. Carol Reeve
Immediate Past Board Chair
Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Taskforce
President & Chief Strategist
Girl on the Roof
Mrs. Denise Robinson
Community Volunteer
Alan Ruley, Esq.
Bell, Davis & Pitt, P.A.
Mr. Lew Saphar, Jr.
Retired Web Systems Engineer
Wells Fargo
Mr. Jamarkus Swinson
Assistant Vice President & Business Banking Analyst,
Branch Manager,
Piedmont Federal Savings & Loan
Mrs. E. Merritt Vale
Ex officio
President & CEO
Winston-Salem Symphony
Mrs. Deborah Wesley-Farrington
Assistant Director, Institutional Review Board
Human Research Protection Program
Wake Forest University School of Medicine

78 Years of Symphony Association Board Chairs

Winston-Salem Symphony
Founded and managed by Salem College 1946 – 1948

Dr. Charles G. Vardell, Jr., Dean, School of Music
Clifford E. Bair, Voice Professor and Head of Voice and Opera Dramatics Departments

The Winston-Salem Symphony expresses its sincere gratitude to the following civic leaders who have served the Winston-Salem Symphony Association as Board Presidents or Chairpersons:

Mr. Paul Kolb   1947-1948
Mr. Charles Vardell, Jr.   1949-1950
Mrs. Anne Strickland   1963-1965
Mr. Wade Gallant   1965-1966
Mr. George Mountcastle   1970-1971
Mr. Gene Lucas   1978-1979
Mrs. Madeleine Van Metre   1981-1982
Mr. George Lautemann   1982-1984
Mr. John Willingham   1984-1985
Ms. Nancy Dunn   1985-1988
Mr. Paul Wiles   1988-1990
Mr. John Anderson   1990-199
Mr. Nick Daves   1992-1993
Mr. Dick Deem   1993-1994
Mr. Jim Fowler   1994-1995
Mr. Gerry Gunzenhauser   1995-1997
Mr. J.D. Wilson   1997-1999
Mr. Lee Martin   1999-2000
Ms. Kim Whitaker   2000-2001
Mr. William R. Watson   2001-2003
Mr. James Dossinger   2003-2005
Dr. Michael Lischke   2005-2007
Mr. Ray McKinney   2007–2009
Mr. Roger Bear   2009-2011
Mr. Michael L. Rogers   2011 – 2013
Ms. Joia M. Johnson   2013-2015
Mr. Steve Karr   2015-2017
Dr. Frank M. James, III   2017-2019
Ms. Ann Fritchman Merkel   2019-2021
Ms. Carol Reeve 2021-2023
Mr. Jay Reed 2023-2025
Mr. Thomas Bornemann 2025-2027

We also salute the following former Symphony Association Board Presidents whose terms of service are unclear from archival records:

Mr. James Gibson
Mr. Nelson Grice
The Honorable Ham Horton
Mr. Martin Sokoloff
Mr. David Watson

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