
Musicians of the Symphony Chorus


Jill Aguiar
Noelle Aube
Claudia Vianna Audet
Moriah Bias
Carolyn Carpenter
Haley Chapman
Susan Gies Conley
Carol Davis
Jan Edwards
Lindsey Hayek
Rachel Hupfeld
Marjorie John
Sunghye Kim
Lee S. Lashley
Karen Yoak Lewis
Martha Vance Low
Susanne S. Martin
Rebecca McAtee
Jennie McDonald
Ella Montgomery
Katie Muhlenkamp
Rachel Nishio
Carlie Procton
Clara Reitz
Heidi Richard
Anna Ronk
Eve Salzwedel
Beverly Rudolph Shaw
Jacqueline Williams Spruill
Deborah Wesley- Farrington
Barbara Specht Wilder
Lydia Wonderly
Leslie S. Young


Irma Alarcón
Elizabeth Barr
Vera Boston
Emily L Cassidy
Grey Crouch
Carolyn Flynn
Angela Galbraith
Barbara F. Gerhard
Sarah Gray
Moyra Gunter
Emily Harding
Sue Harmer-Sommer
Olivia Hinson
Ginger C Holt
Maggie Hurst
Callie Kaplan
Sheila Keen
Susan Kerner
Stephanie Keys
Mary Elen Kollman
Barbara Lawrence
Jenny Lawrence
Briana McClarin
Anna Parker
Sarah Putnam
Jennifer Rodda
Alisa Russell
Elizabeth Salter
Lisa Yee Swope
Lisa Sykes
Lydia Whitt
Karen Wilson


Mason Boone
Jack Campbell
Phil Fennig
Barry Foster
Isaac Fulk
Kerry Garrett
Brian Gorelick
Thomas G Hauser
Chris Heckman
Robert Jordan
Frederic Ross Kahl
John R Kuyper
Chris Nelson
David Pruett
Jack Radbill
Thomas E. Tavolara


David Arnold Paris
Michael Briggs
Matthew Butterman
Ken Carpenter
Wesley Davis
Hal Garrison
Jimmy Goodnight
Jacob Gordon
Paul Harder
Ross Hickling
Lyle Jaffe
James Martin
Will Munster
Joshua Q. Poindexter
Lew Saphar, Jr.
Joel Stegall
Richard Stewart
Jesse Sykes
Jeff Tutterow
Jackson Wood
Wayne Yancey
Scott Yates

About the Chorus

The Winston-Salem Symphony Chorus traces its beginnings to the 1940’s when there were three separate choral ensembles in Winston-Salem. The three ensembles merged in 1960 to the Singers’ Guild. In the years following their union, the Singers’ Guild collaborated frequently with the Symphony, and in the fall of 1971 merged with the Symphony to become known as the Winston-Salem Symphony Chorale. In 2018 the organization became known as the Winston-Salem Symphony Chorus. The Symphony Chorus has been directed by David Partington, Norman Johnson, Peter Perret, Donald Armitage, James Allbritten, and Dr. Carole J. Ott, and currently is under the direction of Dr. Christopher Gilliam. The Chorus is an auditioned symphonic choir made up of volunteer singers, many of whom are professionally trained and who also sing professionally in the region and beyond. The Symphony and Symphony Chorus combine annually to perform large choral masterpieces which in recent seasons have included symphonies by Mahler, Beethoven, and Bernstein, Haydn’s Creation, Orff’s Carmina Burana, Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast, and the Requiem masses of Berlioz, Brahms, Mozart, and Verdi. The Chorus also joins the Symphony on earlier, smaller-scale works such as the Bach Passions and an annual production of Handel’s Messiah. Additionally, the Winston-Salem Symphony Chorus performs stand-alone concerts in local venues apart from the Symphony concert hall, providing intimate and moving choral experiences for audiences annually.

Sing Music To Life
In Season 24/25

Spring Auditions for the 24/25 Season will be held on Monday evening, January 13, 2025. Learn about the audition process below!

On Video

Follow Us!

Contact the Symphony Chorus via email at

Chorus Council

Chair: Will Munster
Administrator: Charley Bryant
Librarian: Emily Cassidy
Logistics Coordinator: Lew Saphar, Jr.
Social Media Coordinator: Jan Edwards
At Large Members: Carolyn Carpenter, Ken Carpenter