Youth Philharmonic 2021

WSSYO Auditions

Join us! Auditions for the 25/26 season will be held August 15-17, 2025. Audition repertoire will be posted by March 31, but last year’s materials are available below as a guideline. Unsure which ensemble to audition for? Please email Sara Beth Lane, Education Programs Administrator, at

What’s Required?

An audition fee must be received in order to reserve an audition time. You can pay securely online during registration.

Scholarships are available. To apply for a Youth Orchestras Program Tuition Scholarship, download and complete the following form and return as indicated with accompanying materials.

Premiere Strings

  • One octave scale of your choice.
  • One prepared solo piece of your choice (no longer than 2 minutes), preferably not ensemble music.
    • Example: A solo piece from Suzuki Book 1 or 2
    • Example: A solo piece from Essential Elements Book 1 or 2
  • Students will be asked to sight read a piece of music.
  • Students must be able to identify notes on the D and A strings in first position.

An audition fee must be received in order to reserve an audition time. You can pay securely online during registration.

Chamber Sinfonia

All practical requirements can be found below, please click on your preferred instrument.

Students will be asked to sight read a piece of music and must identify the following within the sight reading:

  • Time signature
  • Key signature
  • Tempo
  • Dynamics
  • Bowings
  • Note names
  • Note values
  • Number of measures/bars within the piece

An audition fee must be received in order to reserve an audition time. You can pay securely online during registration.

Youth Philharmonic

All practical requirements can be found below, please click on your preferred instrument.

Students will be asked to sight read a piece of music.

Immediately following the practical auditions, each student will complete a very short (5 minute) theory test.

Upon registration for the audition, students will be emailed a PDF with all theory requirements and a study guide.
An audition fee must be received in order to reserve an audition time. You can pay securely online during registration.

Youth Symphony

All practical requirements can be found below, please click on your preferred instrument.

Students will be asked to sight read a piece of music.

Immediately following the practical audition, each student will complete a very short (5 minute) theory test.

Upon registration for the audition, students will be emailed a PDF with all theory requirements and a study guide.
An audition fee must be received in order to reserve an audition time. You can pay securely online during registration.

Other Information

If your child is not chosen for the ensemble they auditioned for, they will be offered a spot in the ensemble the directors best feel fits their ability. Please direct any questions to Education Programs Administrator, Sara Beth Lane, via email:

Youth Philharmonic 2021


The Youth Orchestras Program regularly holds auditions in late August for the following academic year, and also holds a Summer Festival in June and an Audition Workshop in July/August.

Youth Philharmonic 2021
Youth Philharmonic 2021

Conductors & Staff

Each conductor brings a wealth of experience in musicianship and education, guiding their respective orchestras to their full potential performance after performance.

2024/2025 Concerts

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